Types of lessons available

Children's Lessons

Parent and Child Classes

If you have children aged from six to 36 months these classes are a great way of introducing them to water. These sessions are delivered by Hull City Council's Us Mums Hull team who focus on pre-natal and post-natal mums and children. Run by qualified teachers from Us Mums Hull, your child will learn how to enjoy the water safely with you in the pool.

These lessons run in line with the school terms. To find out more about these sessions including prices and availability contact Us Mums Hull.


If you have children aged three or four, these lessons will help them to gain the confidence to move freely on their own in water.

Stages 1 to 7 and Personal Survival Bronze, Silver and Gold Challenge awards

Delivering the Amateur Swimming Associations national learn to swim scheme for children aged 3 to 15 years old, these classes help children progress from beginner to advanced swimmer level. Each level has the requirements of -

  • stroke
  • skill
  • distance

Lessons are delivered on a rolling programme over 44 weeks per year at -

Prices for junior sessions

  • £29 per month by Direct Debit
  • £35 per month cash option

Adult classes

A decorative banner showing 4 separate image of swimming pools and people being taught to swim

Adult swimming lessons are available to anyone 16 years old or over during term time. If you are a beginner, you will learn to be more confident in the water. If you are a more advanced swimmer, you will benefit from technique and stroke work.

Price for adults

  • £35 per month by Direct Debit
  • £41.50 per month cash option

How to Book

To book on to one of our learn to swim course ask at reception at the sites or telephone -

  • Beverley Road Baths telephone - 01482 615 986
  • Ennerdale Leisure Centre telephone - 01482 331 136
  • Woodford Leisure Centre - telephone 01482 331 322
  • Albert Avenue Pools telephone - 01482 614 826
A fitness membership to shout about! Adult membership from £35

Apply for a membership

We have a variety of Live It fitness memberships which suit your lifestyle and needs.

Application information
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